Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bloody cell phones.....

Bloody cell phones.....who'd have 'em
Well unfortunately, me. As you will get to know later, I am a realtor so cell phones hold a very special place in my heart and in my wallet. People think nothing of calling at 12 at night or 6 in the morning as if they really think that I am waiting for their call at those times. People seemed to show more deference and respect to the old fashioned 'ring ring' home phone, apart from telemarketers. Now anything goes.

And texting. Kids today, all they do is text each other, usually at 10c per message. Why don't you just bloody well phone that can say an awful lot more in a shorter time than you would by texting. What is the bloody point.

So, go to plenty of meetings and seminars as a Realtor and because of the nature of the profession, in a room of 100 Realtors, about 85 of them will be women. Ah..but not only women, but woman with purses or as I say handbags....but not only handbags but big deep handbags. And what do they have at the bottom of the handbag buried under all that their bloody cell phone...but not only a bloody cell phone but a cell phone with the most loudest and most annoying ring you could imagine.

And, yes, that effing cell phone just has to keep on ringing until she digs it out and she seems totally impervious to the other 99 people around her, honestly believing that we and the lecturer really do care about what groceries hubby has to pick up on the way home and whether little jimmy should go to school today because he's got a sniffle. Un effing believable.

Cell phones have made us dangerous on the roads, ignorant to others around us, incapable of having an uninterrupted meal and generally impared the fluidity of modern society far more than the television ever did. At least you don't take a television to a seminar in your purse.
Does it happen to male realtors.....of course not...we don't carry handbags.

The sad thing is I am stuck with it...and addicted to the bloody thing and......
think it's one of the best things ever invented. Not unlike Walmart really.

1 comment:

The Joker said...

At the age of 15 my son got a job at a local discount store similar to Walmart, and with his first paycheck he just HAD to have a cell phone. As a single mother, I told him he would be responsible for the bills, so he better keep his job. “No problem,” he says.

When my son turned 16, I was teaching him to drive a 4-on-the-floor. He was progressing nicely so I let him head out on the interstate. We were doing ok, until we had to get off the interstate. Our off ramp was to the right, but we had to cut in front/behind people on the right trying to get onto the interstate. Their on-ramp had to cut in front/behind those of us trying to get “off” the interstate. You get the picture, right? Anyhow, I hadn’t thought about this until after we were on the interstate, BUT it was evening rush hour! We had semi’s to our left and people trying to get on the interstate as we were trying to get off, on our right. You guessed it . . . his cell phone starts ringing at that exact moment. Apparently to him, this was the single most important thing in his life at the time. He looked down grabbed the phone and proceeded to punch in some numbers. I’m screaming obscenities and grabbing the steering wheel. We come close to hitting the semi on the right, which would have bounced us to the left into oncoming traffic. I’m surprised we lived, I really am; I’m not surprised I cussed him out for the next 24 hours and threatened to take his cell phone away.

About a month after that, I was home alone and had a bad allergic reaction to some sulpha drug that had been prescribed to me that day. I literally could not swallow and was having trouble breathing. I could feel my body swelling inside and out. My son had my car out somewhere and I had no idea where he was, but THANK GOD he had his cell phone.

He came home within 10 minutes and got me to the emergency in time.
So yeah, there are “cons” to cell phones, but there are also “pros”.
I am 60 and I still have never had a cell phone of my own.
Will I ever get one? Don’t know.

I was a realtor 18-20 years ago and I didn’t have a cell phone then, either. If I ever go back to selling real estate, I know that a cell phone would be a “must have”.